
Day One

My original quest to become a minimalist was when I moved out of my mother's apartment and into my (first) dorm room at the age of 18. At that point I had a mantra that continuously repeated itself in my head "I will NEVER go back home!" A deep desire for independence combined with the actual means of achieving it, I decided that I would now be on my own.

Since moving out of my mother's I have moved 7 times. Let me contextualize that: 7 times in 4 years. I know some have had it worse, but I am a bit sick of it. Sometimes moving made me toss things out; sometimes I gained way more than necessary. In a bigger apartment I acquired more things, in a smaller apartment... sometimes I just wouldn't get rid of "more things"...

Now 22 - soon to be 23 - and leaving college, I anticipate that I will be moving yet again and (hopefully) making a paycheck. With this in mind, I think it is imperative that I begin my journey to learn how to cope with minimalism for a variety of reasons.

I want less stuff.
I want to save money.
I want to conserve my money.
I want to not have to clean all the time.
I want to stop accidentally buying doubles.
I do not want to have to pack up everything again to move.

I'm sure more desires will come from learning how to desire less. In the meanwhile, I hope to become clutter free both figuratively, literally, and metaphorically.

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